Why Choose ReadyAPI

See why thousands of organizations around the world trust and choose ReadyAPI over SoapUI Open Source for all of their API, Web Services, and other back-end testing needs.

Key Benefits of ReadyAPI

Based on conversations with thousands of SoapUI users, we compiled a list of biggest benefits teams and enterprises have seen from making the switch to ReadyAPI.

Easy & Flexible Test Creation & Execution

ReadyAPI is built to satisfy a wide range of technical experience and comfortability. The visual editors and wizards  make testing a breeze for junior testers and senior developers alike. Thousands have seen the tangible time savings in simplified onboarding and testing when they got started quickly by:

  • Importing an API Definition (Like OAS or WSDLs)
  • Hitting just an Endpoint
  • Recording live API traffic
  • Importing endpoints from your API management tool
  • Javascript and Groovy scripting for more advanced functions

Start Testing APIs Continuously

Your CI process is critical to delivering changes to your APIs on time. Kick off your entire API testing suite with each commit, running tests on local environments, Docker containers, or other distributed staging environments. 

  • Native integrations with Jenkins, Maven, TeamCity, and other API lifecycle tools
  • Command line and Java libraries provide wide CI support
  • Simplifies regression testing

Work Better Together As A Team

ReadyAPI empowers software teams with the ability to share testing projects and artifacts, report issues directly from the testing IDE, and share licenses between other team members.

  • Composite projects
  • Git / JIRA integration
  • Floating licenses

Put Data Front and Center

ReadyAPI provides powerful data-driven testing capabilities to save you time and check for numerous real world conditions at the same time.

  • Data as input to your API calls
  • Validation based on real-time data
  • Correlation of data between steps
  • Dynamically generated data

Supports Multiple Specifications, Schemas, and Protocols

Everything from legacy SOAP services, to microservices powered by Apache Kafka and mainstream REST services, to cutting-edge IoT use cases leveraging MQTT. Expand your testing capabilities as ReadyAPI enables you to:

  • Instantly import APIs from specifications and schemas
  • Extensively test and virtualize the most popular API protocols

Multiple Capabilities in One Platform

Create, manage, and execute functional security, and performance tests in one centralized interface. Easily virtualize web services to remove pipeline dependencies.

  • API Functional & Security Testing
  • API Performance Testing
  • API & Web Virtualization

Choosing an API Testing Tool: 5 Questions to Answer

1. Does this tool integrate with existing technologies?

The last thing you want is for a new tool or system to cause inefficiencies with the tools you are already using. In fact, when SmartBear asked 2,300 API professionals for the most important factors they consider when selecting an API tool, integrations with existing tools/systems was the #1 response.

ReadyAPI not only integrates with other SmartBear products like SwaggerHub and Zephyr -  but is also setup to integrate with your existing tools and processes like Jenkins, Slack, Azure, and more.

Below is an overview of the technologies supported by ReadyAPI, as well as our growing list of third-party integrations.

Key Technlogies Supported

  • GraphQL
  • JDBC
  • JMS,MQTT,CoAP, Websockets
  • Swagger, WSDL, WADL, RAML, API-Blueprint, I/O Doc
  • Java/Groovy
  • Apache Kafka

Key Integrations

  • Git
  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • Bitbucket
  • Swagger
  • Jira
  • Selenium
  • Jenkins
  • AzureDevOps
  • AWS Gateway
  • SwaggerHub
  • Mulesoft
  • Zephyr
  • Postman

2. What level of technical experience is required?

ReadyAPI unifies the way development and QA teams collaborate on API quality by making otherwise complex tasks a matter of a few clicks. With features crafted to simplify monotonous tasks and authenticatoin, improve coverage, and maximize test reusability across the software lifecycle, ReadyAPI helps teams of all ability standardize their approach to API testing.

With out-of-box support for many critical testing tasks, ReadyAPI can dramatically simplify:

  • Incorporating large data sets for greater test depth and realism
  • Dynamically validating the results of complex API operations
  • Managing configuration between multiple environments
  • Reporting on test pass/failure metrics and coverage

Additional support for importing API descriptions such as OpenAPI Specs ( fmka Swagger), recording tests based on real-world web and mobile apps, extracting and reusing data in API calls, and graphical editors for XML, JSON, XPath and JSON-Path syntax makes ReadyAPI the easiest and most versatile API testing tool available.

Some of the ways ReadyAPI helps simplify API functional testing include:

  • Import API descriptions like Swagger and others to rapidly build out API tests
  • Record API calls based on real-world web and mobile apps using API discovery
  • Use property transfer to extract data from one response for use in a later request
  • Avoid complex scripting by building XPath and/or JSON-Path statements graphically

3. What type of reporting will this tool provide?

ReadyAPI has a host of pre-built reports and reporting templates to help you deliver on just the information that matters to you the most. More than just visual reports, ReadyAPI provides numerous export formats so that your continuous integration results can be stored or processed into another system for later analytics.

Report Types

ReadyAPI provides three types of reports which can be generated from inside the UI at Project, TestSuite, and TestCase level:

  1. Printable Reports – Can be printed or saved as PDF, HTML, RTF, Excel, and so on and are fully customizable on both global and project level, allowing you to create and customize any kind of report you may require.
  2. Data Export – Allows export of underlying report-data in XML and csv format. This is useful if you want to import report data into other tools for custom reporting or integrations.
  3. HTML Reports – Give a simplified overview of functional test results in HTML format

You can easily include any desired data in generated reports since you can export custom data in both Printable and Data Export Reports via the SubReport DataSink. Furthermore, all reports can be created both from within the tool (as described below) and from the Command Line.

4. Can I do all the testing I need to do with the tool, or will I need to manage multiple tools?

ReadyAPI integrates with your entire API delivery ecosystem, from design and mocking to issue reporting and deployment.

From functional testing, to performance testing to post-deployment monitoring, SmartBear’s API tools help you to deliver accurate, fast, and secure APIs.

Here is a quick overview of all the features available within the entire ReadyAPI platform:

  • ReadyAPI Test: Create comprehensive end-to-end functional tests that validate the entire workflow of your APIs. In addition, Protect your services and consumers against the most common security vulnerabilities by using a complement of prebuilt tests and scans, all in time before code release so you know your production systems are as safe as possible. Learn more.
  • ReadyAPI Performance: Use your functional API tests to quickly spin up load against your APIs to see how they stand up, where issues lie, and what to fix before rollout. Learn more.
  • ReadyAPI Virtualization: Monitor your internal, partner or public APIs, effortlessly. AlertSite monitors both REST and SOAP APIs for availability, performance and functional correctness. Learn more.
  • AlertSite: Monitor your internal, partner or public APIs, effortlessly. AlertSite monitors both REST and SOAP APIs for availability, performance and functional correctness. Learn more.

5. Can this tool be used across my team?

Developers, architects and QA engineers all share a unified approach to ensuring the correctness of their APIs in continuous delivery and other automation scenarios. ReadyAPI makes it as easy as possible to create test scenarios by providing design tools that use point-and-click shortcuts to simplify advanced functionality down to a few clicks.

Already using SoapUI open source? The same skills and testing knowledge you use in SoapUI open source are immediately applicable in ReadyAPI. With an improved interface enhancing your experience, you can immediately switch from SoapUI and pick up on your projects right where you left off in ReadyAPI.

ReadyAPI in Action: How ReadyAPI has helped other organizations reduce testing time and costs

Based on open core technology proven by millions of community members, ReadyAPI helps you ensure that your APIs perform as intended, meet your business requirements, timeframes, and team skill sets right from day one.

ReadyAPI is trusted by top brands and organizations across a variety of industries including — technology, financial, medical, manufacturing, e-commerce, and government agencies. When evaluating any software tools — especially a tool for maintaining the quality of your API — you’ll want to be able to see how the solution has worked for others in your industry. Below, we have outlined a few examples from organizations that are using ReadyAPI to ensure the quality of their APIs.

Healthcare Data Solutions: Reducing API test set-up time more than 80%

Background: Healthcare Data Solutions (HDS) aggregates large data sets from healthcare providers and other healthcare organizations. The APIs that the HDS software team develops for these applications play a critical role in how effectively the information-delivery systems perform.
The Challenge: When testing APIs, the software QA team at HDS found that the time to test multiple data sets, set up testing artifacts, and then diagnose the root causes of issues impeded its ability to release software updates on schedule. In looking for a solution, HDS hoped to find a data-driven testing tool that offers point-and-click testing without requiring scripts as well as easy-to-use features that work effectively for developers and testers.
How ReadyAPI helps: Regression testing the same situations across multiple environments — development, QA/staging, and production— used to require a lot of manual work. But with the ReadyAPI environment, HDS can quickly switch the same tests to run against any environment. HDS also revamped the regression suites to be more robust and easier to update versus the previous way.

As we continue to improve the way we utilize the ReadyAPI platform, we are seeing improvements that put us onto the path of even better testing coverage. We can now deliver feedback to the software development team in a timelier manner and achieve our on-time delivery goals.

Roland Wimpey, Software QA Manager, Healthcare Data Solutions

Open dealer exchange: Building out a robust QA team with ReadyAPI

Background: Open Dealer Exchange is a technology leader within the automotive financing and insurance process for connecting lenders and insurance product providers with their dealer partners throughout the United States and Canada. In 2011, Open Dealer Exchange decided to build out a more robust and dedicated QA team in response to a growing customer base.
The Challenge: Open Dealer Exchange’s primary offering is a collection of Web Services allowing automotive dealerships, lending institutions and insurance companies to transact business with each other when consumers purchase, lease or sell automobiles. Open Dealer Exchange wanted to equip the organization with the necessary tools to test the middleware in the absence of a user-facing application
The Solution: ReadyAPI is now the primary tool being used by the Open Dealer Exchange QA and application development teams to generate tests to see how well their numerous Web Services perform.

One of the most important functions in ReadyAPI that the free version does not offer is the data source function. This allows us to pull parameters from an external XML or Excel file then submit multiple test cases. This is something we need every day. The end-to-end performance reports ReadyAPI generates are also a major plus. We can easily identify how well our applications perform and pinpoint where any bottlenecks occur.

Stephen Weberman, Manager Quality Assurance for Open Dealer Exchange

Liaison Technologies: Streamlining API testing with data-driven testing through ReadyAPI

Background: In 2011, Liaison Technologies began converting its UI-based applications into API-based applications to streamline the process of exchanging data with customers.
Challenge: According to QA Manager, Nital Patel, each application requires 50 or more APIs, so Liaison Technologies needed an efficient way to test how well the APIs work before customers interact with the applications. If the APIs don’t work well, customers can’t exchange data — API performance is critical.
Solution: In addition to testing every new and updated API of customer-facing applications, Liaison Technologies also relies on ReadyAPI to test APIs within its internal applications that staff members relies on to provide services to customers.

At the time, we did not have a user interface for testing APIs. We thus needed a tool that enables us to send requests and receive responses to verify each API implementation. One of our key requirements was the ability to conduct data-driven API testing, since our customers exchange so much data with us when using our applications. When customers send data to us that we need to process, we must make sure the applications we use internally also process data efficiently. This is possible only if the APIs work well. As an example, ReadyAPI helps identify when input data is not valid. It also helps our developers know when and where to run the specific error messages so end users always know when the input information is not valid.

Nital Patel, QA Manager

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ReadyAPI is an easy-to-use no-code API Testing platform designed to streamline your testing workflows.

  • Automate and scale your end-to-end tests across multiple API types
  • Run compatible load tests against your functional tests
  • Enable virtualization to ensure fast and reliable integrations for your development teams

Download your free trial for full-access to all testing features.